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Our Journey



In 2004 a few ordinary people sensed a move of God to come together to discuss and pray about the needs of the community. The group came from diverse backgrounds and denominations, but shared a common belief in the power of God to transform lives for good. The needs of young people became the primary focus, and as a result, Kilkenny Christian Centre was incorporated. 


Our Vision

Sharing hope through the Light of the Gospel and demonstrating Jesus' love in the community.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to create and maintain:

  • A vibrant youth drop-in centre.

  • A prayer Centre that unites churches and Christians in prayer and worship.

  • A facility that provides a creative hub for churches and Christian groups to reach the needs of the community.

Statement of Beliefs


The only true God, holy, loving and glorious, who exists eternally in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The sovereignty and grace of God in creation, providence, revelation, and final judgement.


The divine inspiration of the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and their consequent entire trustworthiness and supreme authority in all matters of belief and behaviour.  

Human Dignity

The dignity and equality of all people, created in God's image to live in love and holiness.

Human Condition

The universal sinfulness, guilt and lostness of all people as a result of the Fall, making them subject to God's wrath and condemnation.  No person is beyond redemption but their eternal destiny cannot be changed after death.

Jesus Christ:  His Person and Work

Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, born of the Virgin Mary; His sinless life; His substitutionary atoning death on the cross, His body resurrection, His ascension into heaven, his victorious reign and future return.  He is the only Mediator, and His sacrificial death the sole and all-sufficient ground of redemption from the guilt and power of sin and from its eternal consequences.  By the grace of God alone through faith in Christ sinners are justified and receive the gift of eternal life.

The Holy Spirit

The convicting, regenerating, indwelling, illuminating, empowering and sanctifying work of God the Holy Spirit, who empowers believers with spiritual gifts for service for the common good.

The Church

The universal Church of which Christ is the Head, expressed in local congregations of believers and committed to the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel throughout the world.  The priesthood of all believers and the divine institution of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

Future Hope

The personal, visible and victorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ in power and glory to establish fully his universal reign.  His final judgment of all people with justice, bringing those who have rejected him to eternal pusnihment and believers to eternal life.

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The Light House

Dean Street

Kilkenny, Ireland

R95 P93V

Kilkenny Christian Centre

A company limited by guarantee, registered in Dublin no. 434575

Registered Charity nos. 20063092. CHY17117

"The Light House" and "The Rock" operate under the umbrella of KCC

Registered Address:  Cobbler's Hill, Annamult, Stoneyford, County Kilkenny


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